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Campaign YOUniversity for Product Based Businesses
Campaign YOUniversity Admissions
VIDEO: Welcome From Your Instructor (3:13)
Sign University Creed
Complete Student Profile
Student Orientation
Course Syllabus
VIDEO: YOUniversity Student Orientation
How to Submit Your Homework
Office Hours Schedule
Freshman Year- Semester 1
Welcome To Freshman Year & Your First Semester! (2:16)
CLASS: What is Your Brand's Essence?
RESOURCE: Brand Essence Slides
HW: Create Your Brand's Essence Guide
Discussion Post 1: Tell us What Your Brand Stands For
CLASS: Your Value Proposition
RESOURCE: Value Proposition
Discussion Post 2: What is your Value Proposition
HW: Create Brand Bio
CLASS: How to Do Market Research
RESOURCE: Market Research Slides
HW: Create Market Research Survey
CLASS: Your Customer Persona
RESORUCE: Customer Avatar Slides
HW: Create Customer Avatar
Discussion Post 3: Tell us Who You're Customer is
Semester Review
Freshman Year- Semester 2
CLASS: Branding Matters Masterclass for Product Based Business
Instagram Audits Pt 1
CLASS: Color Theory For Your Brand
DISCUSSION POST 4 : Why did You Pick Your Brands Colors?
HW: Build Branding Guidelines
Semester Final Review
CLASS: Shopify Essentials
Sophomore Year- Semester 1
CLASS: How to Set Marketing Goals
HW: Submit Your Marketing Goals
CLASS: Deciding On Your KPIs + Tracking
CLASS: Your Customer's Journey
CLASS: Reading & Understanding Your Analytics
Sophomore Year- Semester 2
CLASS: Campaigns Tactics & Types
HW: Picking Your Campaign Channels
Extra Credit: Order Your Contagious Book
Why Things Go Viral: STEPPS Method by Jonah Berger
STEPPS METHOD: Social Currency
Discussion Post:
Practical Value
Junior Year-Semester 1
CLASS: How to Write Copy
CLASS: Email Marketing with Klaviyo
CLASS: Text Messaging Marketing
Class: Blogging 101
CLASS: Influencer Marketing
Junior Year- Semester 2
Creating Campaign Content in Canva
CLASS: Product Photogrpahy
CLASS: Tik Tok & Reels
Semester Final Review
Senior Year- Semester 1
Class: The Campaign
Class Project: Create Campaign Brief
CLASS: Set Your Campaign Objectives
CLASS: How to manage Your Campaign
Senior Year-Semester 2
Scheduling Content in Later
Submit Your Campaign For Review
CLASS: Branding Matters Masterclass for Product Based Business
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